Total Knee Replacement Surgery
To understand Knee Replacement, we must first be familiar with the structure of the knee, a complex hinge type of joint consisting of three bones: the femur (thigh bone), the tibia (shin bone), and the patella (knee cap). When we bend or straighten our knee, the end of femur rolls against the end of the tibia, and the patella glides in front of the femur.
With a healthy knee, smooth, weight-bearing surfaces allow for painless movement. Muscles and ligaments provide side-to- stability. A membrane lines the joint. Cartilage acts as a cushion between the femur and the tibia and is lubricated by synovial fluid. With an arthritic knee, the cartilage cushion wears out. The bones rub together and become rough. The resulting inflammation and pain cause reduced motion and difficulty in walking.

The weight-bearing surfaces of a total knee replacement are smooth, as in a normal knee. A femoral component covers the end of the thigh bone, a tibial component covers the top of the shin bone, and the patellar component covers the underside of the knee cap.
Most femoral components are metal alloys (cobalt chromium) or metal ceramic alloys (oxidized zirconium).
The Patellar component is plastic (but many a times the patellar component is not used).
The tibial insert component is also plastic (polyethylene).
The tibial tray component can be made of the following materials:-
Cobalt chromium (metal alloy).
Titanium (metal alloy).
Polyethylene (plastic).
Clinical and biomechanical research has steadily refined knee replacement method and materials. Prosthesis durability Can vary from patient to patient because each patient‘s body places slightly different stresses on the new knee. However the average patient can expect to obtain greater mobility and freedom from pain, which will, in turn, improve ability to walk.

Who needs Total Knee Replacement?
Osteoarthritis is one of the common reasons, why Knee replacement surgery is advised to patients. For some reason osteoarthritis of the Knee is more common in India/Asia than the hip compared to western countries. The conditions requiring knee replacement can be broadly classified as follows
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Other Inflammatory Arthritis
- Dysplasias
- Trauma causing Fractures / Ligament Injuries around the knee
With all the modern technology and protocols it is possible to treat all the above-mentioned conditions and help patients recover from it at the quickest possible time in our facilities.
When do we advise Patients to undergo Total Knee Replacement Surgery?
Pain in the knee is NOT the indication for total knee replacement. Yes, it is a major surgery which is only recommended when all the other treatments are not helping the patient to get rid of the pain. In fact Total Knee Replacement is the last resort for any knee condition when indicated. First we must exhaust all other modalities including physiotherapy, Yoga therapy, exercise therapy, medical therapy etc. But, when all these measures fail total knee replacement surgery is considered.
To make it even more clear, below mentioned are the reasons when a Patient will be advised the treatment of total hip replacement surgery:
- Severe pain, stiffness, and swelling in the knee joint, reducing mobility completely
- The pain in the knee joint is so severe that it is literally disturbing activities of daily living and normal lifestyle
- The pain in the knee joint is so severe that it disturbs normal sleep.
- It will get difficult or impossible to perform regular activities like getting out of the house or even going for a walk.
- Development of deformities of the knee (knock knee or bow legs) making it difficult to get up and be mobile
- It will get impossible to work or even have any kind of social life.
- Instability of the knee is also an indication for knee replacement surgery
The ones who are experiencing the above-mentioned symptoms will be advised to go for total knee replacement surgery so that they can get relief from pain and get started with their regular lifestyle without any difficulty whatsoever. Rehabilitation is another important factor to be considered while going for the surgery. Our team follows the Rapid Rehab Protocols so that our patients are back to normal at the quickest possible time.
Why Choose Our “A” Team (Arthroplasty Team) for the Hip Replacement Surgery?
Dr. Chandrasekar Chikkamuniyappa with his experience of getting trained from some of the best hospitals in India, United Kingdom and United States of America, has carefully set up a Joint Replacement program at DHEE Hospitals in Bangalore, which is unique for many reasons. He has handpicked members of the “A” team inclusive of Joint Replacement Surgeons, Pain management experts, Orthopaedic Physiotherapists, Yoga therapists, Nutrition Specialists and Patient Empowerment Officers (PEO) otherwise called Patient counsellors.
Now, what makes DHEE Hospital Joint Replacement program as one of the best in Bangalore?
Here are some of the top reasons:
Highly Qualified and experienced Teams of Joint Replacement Surgeons & Multi-disciplinary support staff
When you visit DHEE Hospitals and meet the members of the “A” team for your joint problems you are not just choosing the best team but, you are also choosing the best Musculoskeletal research team consisting of not only general Orthopaedic surgeons but also the expert Joint replacement surgeons of hip, knee & shoulder, Spine surgeons, Sports Injury surgeons, Limb reconstruction surgeons, Paediatric Orthopaedic surgeons & Bone cancer surgeons. Not just that, the Multi-disciplinary team also consists of the best pain management specialists, who can use interventional techniques to reduce pain, the specialized Orthopaedic physiotherapists, Integrated Yoga experts and also the dieticians with naturopathy background to complete the care.
All the consultant Joint Replacement Surgeons in the “A” Team are highly qualified and have received training at some of the best Joint Replacement centers across the world including United States of America, Australia, United Kingdom & Germany.
Use of advanced and latest technology
With the advent of technology, it has become quite indispensable to use the latest equipment in complex Joint Replacement Surgeries including Revision Joint Replacement Surgeries. Our “A” Team surgeons are well versed Cutting Edge Joint replacement surgeries using Computer assistance and navigation (CAS).
Safer is Better
Our “A” Team operates in fully accredited NABH hospital which is also recognized as one of the 25 best hospitals in India.
Our safety protocols, evidence based clinical practices and professionalism provides peace of mind for all our patients.
Our exceptional standards include:
Lower readmission rate after hip & knee surgeries
Surgical Site Infection rate (SSIs) comparable to international standards.
Very high patient satisfaction rates.
Rapid rehab protocols across all joint replacement surgeries
DHEE Hospital, where our “A” Team conducts surgeries is well equipped with staff and equipment to provide a wide spectrum of Joint Replacement services. Right from knee joint and hip joint replacement to Revision & Re-Revision Joint replacement services you get everything under one roof. The availability of Joint/Limb reconstruction surgeons makes it even more comprehensive service advantage compared to any other centre. The hospital also has provisions for specialized physical medicine, physiotherapy and rehabilitation facilities for those who need it. That is not all, you can also rely on their integrative medicine specialists providing yoga and naturopathy services.
Affordable costs
Movement is life, Money should never stop anyone from availing world class joint care, this is something our “A” Team has always stood by. That is why, their uncompromising, but comprehensive and customized treatment packages are the most affordable in Bangalore. So, one can just stay calm about not overshooting their budget and instead, focus only on healing.
For all these reasons and more, we believe, we are one of the most proficient Joint Replacement service providers who are striving hard to assist with the best of facilities. Dr. Chandrasekar Chikkamuniyappa& his Team will always be there to help you with the best of advice and make sure that your recovery is quick and effective.